Natural gas liquefaction plant

LNG Plant

Medium and small scale natrual gas liquefaction plantLiquefied natural gas is a kind of product that has been pre-treated and liquefied at low temperature and suitable pressure. Compared with gas phas
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Medium and small scale natrual gas liquefaction plant

Liquefied natural gas is a kind of product that has been pre-treated and liquefied at low temperature and suitable pressure. Compared with gas phase of natural gas, it has many advantages,such as higher heating value, clean and easy to store and transport. Except nature gas, coal bed methane, shale gas, bio-gas, coke oven gas, associate gas from oil well and off-gas from chemical plant can also be pre-treated and liquefied and separated to be LNG and other product such as liquid argon and so on.

Medium and small scale natrual gas liquefaction plant adopts international advanced SMRC or DMRC process, which has advantages of simple process, low power consumption, low investment and strong adaptability to changes in gas source components.


